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Antioxidant studies of hispolon and its derivatives

Hispolon, a polyphenolic yellow pigment isolated from Chinese mushrooms which was synthesized by researchers and its derivatives such as monomethyl ether, pyrazole and monomethyl ether pyrazole were evaluated for their chemical stability in cell culture medium, antioxidant effect in Chinese hamster ovarian (CHO) radioprotection in spleen lymphocytes. The results indicate that pyrazole derivatives were more chemically stable in cell culture medium. Further, pretreatment with hispolon and its derivatives in CHO cells showed significant inhibition in the radiation induced Reactive oxygen species (ROS) by pyrazole derivative of hispolon. Similarly, the treatment in the splenic lymphocytes showed no significant expression of antioxidant genes such as γGCL and HO-1, and also no significant radioprotection in the markers like fragmentation of DNA, and pre G1 gated cells. This may be because of the primary nature of lymphocytes with limited life span. In MMP assay hispolon pyrazole and monomethyl ether showed a significant rise indicates that these compounds are protecting through inhibition of radiation induced mitochondrial dysfunction. In conclusion, in line with the previous studies, the pyrazole derivatives of hispolon and hispolon monomethyl ether shows antioxidant and radioprotection.

Saka, V. P., Vellapandian, C., & Narayanaswamy, D. (2022). Antioxidant studies of hispolon and its derivatives. In: Research Square.